Edit (8/1/16): I have received some questions regarding contacting me. I offer online therapy to California residents through munn.breakthrough.com.
As a psychotherapist, I find all emotions and thoughts fascinating. I always seek to understand why we feel the way we do in any given situation. In my opinion and experience, no feeling is ever invalid or meaningless. Feelings are information. A strong emotional reaction to something tells you something about who you are and potentially what emotional baggage you're carrying.
Sometimes our emotions are triggered by fictional stories and characters. Maybe you had a hard day and a sad car insurance commercial causes you to break out in tears, or perhaps you just finished a long book that you've been reading over the last month and you suddenly feel like something's missing in your life. Regardless of what it is, it's entirely normal for our emotions to be triggered by fictional stories and events.
Enter Life is Strange, one of the most well-written, well-executed, choose-your-own-adventure style games I've ever played--filled with rich, complex, and lovable characters. I hadn't read anything about this game before playing it, so I went in with zero expectations and zero preparation. I thought it was going to be a lighthearted story with a happy ending. I was wrong.
Upon finishing the game, I felt a sadness that I never felt from any fictional story, let alone a video game. I've played other RPGs in the past with emotional endings, but nothing came close to this. By the end of the game, I felt like I had suffered a significant loss. I initially blamed it on my tiredness (I played late into the night,) but it turned out to be more than that.
Upon waking up the following day, I was amazed at how much of those emotions had stuck with me. I missed the characters and the environment. I was replaying the ending in my head and spent a lot of time listening to the soundtrack of the game throughout the day. I was embarrassed to tell anyone who hadn't played the game (i.e. everyone in my life) how I felt, because nobody who doesn't play video games can understand what a profound art form they are capable of being. So, off to the Internet I went.
Over the next few days, I read a few articles and posted a bit on the subreddit for Life is Strange. I quickly found out that an overwhelming number of people felt very similarly. Many reported feelings of depression, emptiness, and anxiety. Some people even claimed to be emotionally hungover for months after playing the game. At this point I was convinced that there is something different about this game. What about it makes it so impactful on people's lives and emotions? After a lot of thought and discussion, I believe I have a pretty good answer.

In Life is Strange, you're responsible for whether Max eats an omelette or a waffle. Nearly every choice in the game is made by YOU. This creates a feeling of responsibility for the outcome of the story that is simply impossible to reproduce in any other medium. At the end, you have to make what I consider to be the most difficult choice ever presented in a video game. When the choice is made, you sit back and watch the results--the results that YOU caused. And holy cow does it sting.
Character Development and Relationships
The developers of this game stated that there are over 13,000 lines of dialogue in this five episode game. That's five episodes. A typical feature film averages around 1000 lines total. Granted, you don't hear every single line on each playthrough, but that's still a lot of talking and a lot of interaction with the characters.

The relationship between Max and Chloe was just superbly well done. There were ups and downs, thrills and disappointments, and a profoundly deep connection that you can't help but have an emotional response to witnessing. Regardless of what ending you choose, the end of the game means the end of experiencing that connection, and it's a loss.
What Your Reactions Say About You
Perhaps you've been the victim of bullying? If so, it's very possible that watching the horrors that Kate has to endure will trigger some intense feelings in you. Or maybe you've lost someone whom you loved dearly. There is a ton of loss in this game that can very easily bring those feelings bubbling back to the surface of your mind.
Ultimately, the sadness you may be feeling after playing this game is not really about the game. It's about you. What hit you the hardest? What/whom do you miss after finishing? What did you experience in the game that you wish you had in your own life? What did you experience in the game that you wish you didn't have in your own life? These are all important questions to ask. The game is simply a tool that shines a light on potential wounds that need tending to.
But be sure to be realistic about this. This game is realistic, but it's also a fantasy. If, for example, you feel a longing for the kind of relationship Chloe and Max had, I'm sorry to say that that just isn't something that is real, healthy, or sustainable. Their level of connection came in the face of an apocalyptic tornado. Max saved her life six times in a week. That's not exactly realistic.
I think it's perfectly fine and healthy to feel sad or empty for a while after playing this game. It's very immersive, and it's written in a way that creates a very strong attachment to the characters and the environment. That being said, if you're feeling any kind of prolonged depression or sadness due to this game (or for any reason), or you're feeling any urge to harm yourself or isolate, it is always a good idea to seek the help of a professional counselor or psychologist.
After reading your article i realised just what a impact LiS has had on me, i felt a profound sense and feelings of remorse that i have only felt once or twice in my life, at first i felt that something was wrong with me but over the last few weeks i have been able to look back on my own life experiences both good and bad with a much clearer eye. there are somethings in the game that hit close to me (personal loss, accepting my sexuality , and permanent disability) and the game certainly made me think what if ? , but also it has helped me realise what good things i have in my life now ( good friends , a loving partner and a brighter future) , how ever it has taken weeks for me to shake the sense of grief and loss i felt playing this game , your article has helped me realise im not insane and these feelings are normal and will fade over time. thank you
lily rhodes
I used laughter to cope with this game. Go on youtube and paste this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8W-7UT-UN7w
just finished this game a few hours ago..i feel so empty now
Watch the video I posted. Humor is a great coping mechanism.
I mean I didn't make the video, the link I mean.
old post but recently found and its helped me understand why after playing before the storm(the newest title from the LIS universe) i felt like id lost my best friend of which ive never had. to go from having no one you can trust and care about to being consumed by this raw relationship between Rachael and Chloe and for it to suddenly go while also knowing that Rachael dies after being horrifically tortured it broke me completely and i dont know if ill ever be the same again.
all i want is someone to trust and care about but no one wants to know me at my school,i get drunk to forget and go to school with no thought that someone will actually start a conversation with me. a repetitive cycle of people taking the piss out of you makes you wanna leave and never look back but i cant i feel trapped in my crap town as no one knows what i truly feel not even my parents who are split and only care about their new partners. as yu can see this game trauled through the depths of my mind and now its to much to handle, i dont know what i will do.
Just finished the game and i just cant stop thinking about the game and yeah i know im late playing the game. But due to me playing it yesterday and going to sleep with it on my mind then going to college i was like a zombie i could think straight at all. The game seriously put some weight on me since somebody in my family died. I have been bullied before and i sometimes do. I am pretty messed up after playing L.i.s. when i saw the photos of kate i just were almost sick. I could feel what max felt when she saw them
I went with the save Chloe due to me being close to her and i just feel like i just killed everyone in the whole city due to my stupidness and careness for Chloe. I just couldnt see Chloe i would just break me evenmore. I feel like everything i did did mean nothing. Because of my ending. I know there wont be a Life is strange 2 due to Telltale shutting down. However there is the prequl to life is stange but its isnt Max its Chloe. I cant sleep at all.
amazing analysis, really enjoyed it and made me realize how much the game left me wanting a relationship like presented, that sort of connection, and it saddens me that it might not me possible.
is it possible?
haven't had that in my life, so don't have any ground to compare myself to
Thanks, yes, it´s the loneliness and desire for a friendship as cute as M&C´s what resonated with me.
I just uninstalled the game, it´ll be a good starting point to move on
I'm late to the party, but here's my experience:
Chloe is presented as a once happy and innocent kid, who is later badly abused by an unfair fate.
She has to go through so much misery, she lost her happiness and hope, and she is all alone. It felt pity. Then Max returns and she brings back love and joy into Chloes life. Chloes response is so heart-warming that I (as Max) quickly felt personally responsible for Chloe. Before I noticed my main objective was to repair Chloes bad life and bring back the happy kid she once used to be.
Now the game kept pouring bad luck on Chloe and I felt equally challenged to make up for that, and her gratitude made me feel valuable. Chloe became my friend in need and I felt happy to help. I remember that playing the parts without Chloe in EP5 felt like a pure nuisance because I couldn't wait to be reunited with her. And when the final decision come on I didn't think twice, there was no way I could give up on her.
After the game I felt terrible, but it wasn't guilt for my decisions, it was pity for Chloe, and sadness that my time as a helping friend was over.
I believe the game fiercly triggered my desire to be special, to be unique, to be the only one who can help, who can fix it.
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